Thursday, 24 March 2016

Evaluation question 6

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of construction this product?

For my evaluation question 6 i made a "prezi". in this i will talk about the technologies that used when creating my media product. some of these were
Final cut pro
Garage band
In my prezi i will demonstrate which features of final cut pro i used to help create my final media product and how i used them.

In conclusion i have learnt many techniques while using technologies while developing my product. These included using a DSLR camera effectively and diversely, Using final cut pro to create professional and abstract clips and videos and to use the camera equipment to increase the quality of the product.

1 comment:

  1. Niamh, this is the weakest of your answers so far, there are quite a few omissions, especially given that you are a photography student - I'd like to see more on using DSLRs, you should be really showing off your knowledge here talking about things such as depth of field, shutter speed, ISO, white balance, file formats etc. It would be worth adding detail to other areas including more depth on Final Cut (you've used some pretty advanced techniques) and finally, the question is asking you about what you have learned - so there really ought to be a conclusion. You don't need to add this to the Prezi, you could summarise outside this. Also, please add the question at the start of the post.
