Monday, 5 October 2015

First time using Final cut pro Prelim

As i used Final cut pro for the first time i learned many short cuts and editing tools to use while editing videos , many of these were very simple as it was my first time using a professional editing program to edit. 

The first thing i did was import my files onto the program. After i dragged the videos i was using onto the editing onto the bar at the bottom , this enables me to move crop and layer them. i learnt how to use the trim tool which meant i could get my video to flow more and cut out any unnecessary and unwanted parts to the videos.
This tool bar made my editing easier. The snap tools made it easier to cut the videos to the exact part i wanted , i was also able to turn the audio off. 
The zoom tool helper me to be able to see al of my videos all at once but also zoom in to specific videos to know whee to trim it.
I leant how to rename all my files and collections , this means that all my files are organised and when i go to save a piece of work it will be easier to find. I named this task Prelim and under a collection called NiamhAS.
When i had finished my video and it was ready to be saved , i edited the size and quality of the video. I also saved it into a folder that i renamed so that it was easy to find. i added tags so it would again be easy to find. i also uploaded my video to youtube.

My prelim:


Breaking the 180% rule:

With sound effects and titles: 

When the prelim task was completed i had learnt a lot of both editing and filming skills could take away and use in the future. this included how to position a camera enabling you to get the best shot , also how to compose a shot properly. When edited i learnt to use all there tools as shown above , i learnt to use the blade , cropping tools , how to change lighting and how to zoom in and out showing more or less of the timeline at the bottom. The prelim task helped me to understand the basics of both filming and editing and this was very useful to out learning. 

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